Royal Canadian Legion Branch 57

6002-50 Avenue, Camrose


MONDAYS:  Card Club/Crib Club - starts at 7:00 pm

TUESDAYS:  3rd Tuesday of the month - Executive Meeting

                      4th Tuesday of the month - General Meeting


                       September to May - 7:30 pm  $25.00 entry fee or $2.00 Drop-in Fee

                       May to September - 7:30 pm Drop-In NO FEE

THURSDAYS:  B-I-N-G-O!!!!!!!!!!!!! Card sales at 6:00 pm

                     6:15 pm - Bonanza Pre-call

                     6:45 pm - Early Bird Games

                     7:15 pm - Regular Games

FRIDAYS:  Branch MEAT DRAW every Friday Night !

                1st draw at 6:30 pm - last draw at 8:00 pm

SATURDAYS:  Ladies' Auxillary MEAT DRAW 

                       Ticket sales start at 3:00 pm

                      1st draw at 3:30 pm - last draw at 4:30 pm

                                        PLUS ...............

                    FIND THE JOKER POT!  (50/50)  

SUNDAYS: CLOSED except for Special Events

Everyone is welcome to participate in all of our activities.

You DO NOT have to be a member, however, your support is greatly appreciated. Please remember to sign our GUEST BOOK on your way in.

6002-50 Avenue, Camrose, AB 

Phone:  780-672-3325

Legion Membership Fees - $50.00 yearly

Volunteer Opportunities :

  • Bingo
  • Entertainment Committee
  • Special Events

Founded in 1928

2023 is our 95th year in the Community of Camrose!!!

The Ladies' Auxillary is also looking for members to join and participate in the many activities that they do every year.